The imaging was assumed to have been done in the acute stage if the patient was studied within a week of the onset of the neurologic episode or subacute if within a month. 在神经系统症状出现的1个星期内即行MR检查的为急性期患者,在神经系统症状出现的1个月内行MR检查的为亚急性期患者。
During the later stage of filariasis surveillance, self protection of health and treatment measure should be strengthened so as to control the onset of the illness and to abate the symptoms and signs. 专家意见主要集中于一些反映瘀的病史、症状、体征。后期监测患者应加强自身保健治疗,控制发病,减轻症状和体征。
In the early stage of diabetes, corresponding treatment should be taken before the onset of DR to improve blood supply of the retina, which may postpone or reverse the incidence and development of DR. 在糖尿病早期、DR发病之前即进行相应的治疗以改善视网膜的血供,可能延缓或逆转DR的发生与发展。
Effect of Thrombolytic Therapy on Autonomous Function in Early Stage of the Onset of Acute Myocardial 溶栓治疗对急性心肌梗塞早期心脏自主神经功能的影响
The second peak of E_2 occurring in the progesterone stage was broader and coincided with the peak of progesterone. Both the levels of E_2 and P declined two days before the onset of menstruation. E2第Ⅰ峰一般出现于LH峰的前一天,E2第Ⅱ峰出现于黄体期,较宽,与孕酮峰相印,均于月经来潮前二日下降。
With the population aging, patients tending to be individuals suffering from quite a few chronic disorders bring more hardness to doctors when they are at the stage of acute onset; 人口老龄化,医生面临的往往是同时患多种慢性疾病的个体,其急性发病期的处理更加复杂;
Results The stage of onset of adult tubercular meningitis was mostly in spring and autumn. 结果:结核性脑膜炎以春秋季好发,女性多于男性。
The results from our laboratory's research on the STZ induced diabetic rats also indicated the changes of ERG in the early stage of diabetes. The abnormalities in ERG appeared 3 days after the onset of diabetes and became most obvious 2 weeks later. 我们实验室利用STZ诱导的糖尿病大鼠研究了糖尿病早期大鼠视网膜电生理的改变,并发现糖尿病起病3d时ERG开始出现异常,2wk时最明显。
To research into the relationship between the type ⅱ collagenes and osteoarthritis and to explore the diagnosis of OA in an early stage in order to improve the diagnosis of OA and make it feasible to prevent and treat the disease at very onset as much as possible. 研究血清中Ⅱ型胶原水平与骨性关节炎程度之间的关系,探讨早期OA的诊断,为早期预防和治疗、力争在疾病的临床前期或亚临床期就做出诊断提供可能。
The rest of the patients ( 28%) had the symptoms associated with the urinary system. The reactions took place simultaneously with or after PHN. 21 patients ( 84%) were misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at the early stage of disease onset. 内脏反应为反复发作的功能性激惹症状,其中消化系18例占72%,泌尿系7例占28%,与PHN同时或随后发生,早期漏诊误诊21例(84%);
Reasonable choice of treatment depending on the stage of onset, treatment is necessary to attach importance to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, a need for reasonable use of surgical treatment. 治疗上因根据不同的发病阶段,选用合理的治疗方式,既要重视中医传统治疗的优势,又需要合理运用手术治疗。
Objective: This research is for the purpose of discuss the acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke syndrome pathogenesis by large sample epidemiological investigation, reveals its distribution and combination of dynamic evolution, to explore the phlegm in acute stage of hemorrhagic apoplexy onset and course of action. 【目的】对出血性中风急性期的证候病机进行大样本流行病学调查,揭示其分布组合及动态演变规律,以探讨痰证在出血性中风急性期发病及病程中的作用。
Furthermore, a decrease of NPCs in the lateral ventricle at the disease progression stage was observed, while no difference in the number of NPCs in the hippocampus was detected at the disease onset and progression stages. 在侧脑室区,疾病进展期神经祖细胞的数目显著减少;而在海马区,无论在疾病的起始或进展阶段,都没有检测到神经祖细胞的变化。